she might not be able to help herself. I have a boyfriend and i love him so much and i would never cheat on him, but if there are other boys around i can't help but flirt with them. most of the time i don't even realise that i am. it's probably just ingrained into her personality like it is in mine.Why does this girl flirt with me if she has a boyfriend?
Don't make a move on her just ask her what the deal is in person. Not on text. She may show someone the text. Tell her that you like her but she has a boyfriend and that it is confusing to you.
Tell her that you are confused because she asked you to go to Starbucks yet she has a boyfriend. See what she says......
First, she is not flirting with you with just smile faces messages.
Second, are you sure whether they are in a relationship or just friends?
Third, frankly speaking, she is not fond of you. If a girl ask you when to hang out, it probably means she is not into you. A girl will be at least introverted before the boy she really care about.
Maybe she's just being friendly? I send smilies to everyone in my texts.
Girls and boys flirt and doesn't always means she's sexually interested. As she has a boyfriend stay well away- even if she does like you in that way she'll let you know in time when her relationship ends, but don't risk a friendship over something that you may be wishing was there rather than being there.
She may be the type to want what she can't have.
Before making a move, judge how serious their relationship is.
It seems pretty meaningless to her, but you need to try and see it from his angle.
In all likelihood, it won't last anyhow so just wait it out.
If she cheats WITH you, she can cheat ON you.
Good luck!
have fun while you can I am married and get sex once a month if I am good and put the toilet seat down without being told ;( Marriage is a sexless hell
maybe she is just being a friend ... if you have concerns about her behavior, why not look at yours. You know she has a boyfriend, so why do you still flirt with her?
Maybe she's looking for some side action with you. You should show her your dong to show you are interested.
some girls are just are just naturally fllirty. even if they dont realize. or maybe she wants a friend...(with benifits ;) )
because shes unsatisfied with her relationship and is a vulture and cant just settle for what she has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would leave her alone. She probably has a lot of STD's O_O
She a tramp dude.
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